People have different reasons for wanting to get married and sometimes unrealistic ideas about what married life will be like. This article will help you explore your own hopes and expectations and to understand possible difficulties in your relationship. It also looks briefly at what the bible says about marriage.


Here are the 7 things you should ask yourself before you get married:

1. What is marriage and what is its purpose?

2. What are your expectations from marriage? List five goals you have for your marriage

3. What do you believe are the most important foundations for building a solid marriage?

4. What are your reasons and motivations for getting married?

5. What exactly are you attracted to from your partner? And is your partner attracted to you?

6. What are your fears about marriage?

7. What problems do you expect your marriage to solve?


Think deeply about these questions before you seek out to date or get married, they will give you the clarity to make the right decisions!

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