Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies. – John Donne

Marriage is a very serious and life-long holy commitment that should not be entered lightly. Here are some of the wrong reasons you should not get married to someone for:

  1. Don’t get married just because you feel sorry for the person or because the person ‘needs you.
  2. Don’t get married because it has been a very long relationship and now it is “too late” to end it and start afresh.
  3. Don’t just get married because there are strong emotional attachments because there has been too much physical involvement such as sexual intercourse.
  4. Don’t get married because you think there’s no one else and you feel that this could be your last chance or that losing this one may mean a long wait.
  5. Don’t get married just because not getting married will be embarrassing and It will be traumatic.
  6. Don’t get married just because you are “in love”, young, romantic and in an exciting and unfamiliar environment.
  7. Don’t get married as a way to get away from your parents and your family
  8. Don’t just get married because you want the glamour, popularity or money that is associated with the person you hope to marry.
  9. Don’t get married because you are bored or lonely.
  10. Don’t get married if it comes from a desire to escape and rebel or a desire to defeat and hurt.
  11. Don’t get married just because you feel jealous of your age mates or possessive of your partner and you want to take them “off-market”
  12. Don’t just get married because you want to ‘find yourself.’
  13. Don’t just get married because you want to prop yourself up emotionally.

Always get married when you are mature, ready and for the right reasons!

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